The main results of the cooperation and experimental projects of EO LAB (2014-2016) as described on the Projects page are:
- The direct effect of the 3 projects (of the full partners) on the targeted audiences (compared with the regular concertgoers) were analysed by scientific audience researchers.
- According to the outcomes of the audience research, all three concerts were positively evaluated by the attendants/participants.
- And all 3 special projects succeeded in attracting an audience which significantly differed from the orchestra’s regular audience: there were more non-regular concertgoers and the audience was more diverse in age, in two projects the audience was also more diverse in education.
- As a spin-off of the associate partner’s (BBC) Family Orchestra project, the format of the project was taught by BBC Phil staff to their Dutch colleagues.
- Moreover, after qualitative assessment all partners have the clear impression that their projects did change the targeted audiences’ attitude towards orchestras and classical music.
- All partners gathered completely new knowledge about experimental projects. Sharing and exchanging the knowledge, experiences and results coming from the separate projects significantly accelerated the learning and innovative capacity of each participating orchestra.
- The formats of the 3 projects are repeatable and transferable, with adjustment to local circumstances. Project leaders of the partner orchestras are willing to share their experience and knowledge with colleagues from other orchestras interested.
- The successful EO-LAB cooperation attracted the attention of other orchestra’s and led to a broadening and continuation of the European Orchestra Laboratory: 7 full partners and 5 associate partners will cooperate in new projects within EO-LAB II during three years (2016-2019).
The full audience research report of VU University Amsterdam is available for download HERE.